Rules, Regulations and Instructions


  1. These rules and regulations are applicable to ALL student teachers at MVTTC campus, whether on regular programmes or short courses. They are also applicable to student teachers when on field trips, excursions, study tours, or visits.

  2. MVTTC is a community consisting of adult future vocational teachers and leaders who are expected to observe among others, the under listed guidelines /rules and regulations in an effort to mold and enrich the high standard of community living.

  3. As part of the MVTTC community, they are specifically required to help care for the college equipment and facilities and set a high standard of moral behavior, cleanliness, diligence, and order lines.

Attendance of Classes

Attendance of all classes and other scheduled tuition is COMPULSORY; failure to attend some of the periods will lead to discontinuation.

Equipment and Facilities

A student teacher will be held responsible for damage or loss of tools, equipment and facilities entrusted to him/her. Replacement of the loss or damage caused shall be mandatory.


Smoking is strictly prohibited in the following areas: classrooms, library, office, workshop, dormitories, Dining hall and in any public areas.


Drunkenness is prohibited.


Quarrelling, fighting and possession of dangerous weapons is strictly prohibited. Contravention will result in appropriate warning and where necessary criminal charges shall be instituted against the culprit.

Out of Bound Areas

The following places within the compound are out of bound unless specially permitted by the authority.

  1. Staff residential areas.
  2. Dormitories: Different sexes are prohibited to enter the female or male dormitories at all times.


After classes and other scheduled activities; Student teachers may leave the compound but MUST return by 10.00PM. After signing in the off campus book, student teachers may stay out overnight during weekends from Friday after lunchtime to Sunday at 10.00pm.

Identity Cards (ID Cards)

All student teachers will be provided with identity cards. The costs of replacing lost or damaged identity card will be met by the student teachers.


  1. Visitors are not allowed into areas such as (classrooms, workshop, dormitories, and library) they can meet in the cafeteria or any located place.
  2. Visitors are not allowed into the campus after 6.00pm


  1. Student teachers are responsible for the cleaning of their rooms and corridors in their dormitory.
  2. Cello tape and other adhesives should not be used for sticking pictures and other materials on the wall. Violators will incur costs of reconditioning damaged areas.
  3. The warden/matron and Preventive Maintenance Team will inspect hostel surroundings and rooms from time to time.
  4. Student teachers are strictly prohibited to cook in their rooms.
  5. At all times student teachers are requested to avoid unnecessary noise (e.g. shouting, loud music etc.) and be considerate to studying fellow students and other residents.


All cases of illness must be reported to the warden /matron for information and possible action.


  1. All academic and social correspondence with other institutions MUST be channeled through the Principal.
  2. Student teachers are not allowed to use college telephones. In case of emergency permission should be obtained from the appropriate authority.

Dressing Code

  1. All student teachers at all times are expected to be decently dressed.
  2. Overalls, sandals and sportswear are not allowed into the dining hall, classrooms and library.


Contravention of the college rules, regulations and misbehaviors may lead to written warning, suspension or termination from studies.

Note: Any amendments of these by laws shall be notified through a special announcement, and an up to date version will always be available on the College website. Please ensure that you read the College regulations for information on such issues as (but not limited to) freedom of expression, harassment, drugs, alcohol, disciplinary procedures, etc.