How and when to join MVTTC

Terms of Admission

A student is admitted to the College after fulfilling the minimum requirements for the respective programme of study understanding that in accepting the admission he/she adheres to its charter, statutes, ordinances, regulations, rules and by-laws.

MVTTC is a tertiary learning institution and expects that students will behave exemplarily, be moral, ethical and rightful. MVTTC reserves the right to withdraw admission for conduct that is contrary to the objectives of the College.

When to Join

The admission seasons for long-term programmes follows NACTVET Academic Calendar issued annually. Invitations for admission are placed in various public media including newspapers, television, radio, social media and, MVTTC ( and VETA ( websites.

All applications should be addressed to:

The Principal,
Morogoro Vocational Teachers Training College,
P. O. Box 671,